Fondatore Marco Tricomi, Founder Marco Tricomi, Art Director, Direttore artistico, CEO, Tricomi, Studio Tricomi, Studio Marco Tricomi

The Studio Marco Tricomi was founded by Marco Tricomi at the beginning of the 1980's. The Agency was born as an excellent fashion show coordinator at national level gaining experience in the set arrangement, lights, audio, video and photography sectors.

This professional growth has favored the Studio's natural inclination towards the Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations worlds increasingly acquiring an emerging role, especially in the fashion and lifestyle industries.

The Agency's creativity and image related strategies have rapidly benefited long-lasting partnerships with a series of Fashion Groups at national and international levels. Thanks to the graphic designers and the close cooperation with professionals, under the guidance of Marco Tricomi, the Creative Director, the Agency is able to realize advertising and media campaigns, from the choice of the models, the creation of the shooting, the retouch and the preparation of the images, the print on paper supports, website creation and web marketing strategies, and it is also able to offer styling counseling on man fashion collections.

The Agency stands out for its passion, creativity, accuracy, style, assistance and expertise in the image, communication and lifestyle industries.


Art Director / CEO Founder

Founder of the homonymous Agency, Marco Tricomi has always stand out for his tenacity and strong personality that in the years have permitted him to grow professionally, enriching his curriculum of professional successes and personal satisfactions. Thanks to his experience in the international fashion industry and to his passion for traveling and for foreign cultures, he has always been able to anticipate and create new tendencies. He travels constantly between Italy and the Unites States, country of origin of his wife Anita.

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